I got an invite to join my own brother's fan club today on facebook. I wanted to deny it because that is absolutely ridiculous, but how can you deny something like that without feeling slightly guilty?
Remember when I used to have a fan club on myspace thanks to my 1st year college friends? Those were the days. Remember that other club we had, which slightly resembles the "burn book" from Mean Girls, but only is derrogatory about one person? We are terrible.
In other news, I had food poisoning on sunday night and wanted to KMS. It is now tuesday and I feel 100% better, so it really must have been food poisoning. But during my 24 hours of sickness, I took refuge in my sun room, which thanks to my brosef, has a mattress on the floor and a wonderfully huge flat screen with, yes, cable tv! I also brought my laptop out here and have read about a TON of celebrity gossip though perez and channel 29 + 78, and have read about a billion textsfromlastnight (which has to be my new favourite thing). My braing feels like melting though.
Lazy Days Er' Day.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Fly Away Home
I dislike leaving my friends and family to go on vacation, but once I get there and meet people and enjoy myself, I dislike leaving my vacation to come home. Not because I don't care for the people at home anymore, but it's always just a tiny bit different upon returning. I'm used to getting up and going somewhere and just doing something. None of this "Okay, well I have to get ready for an hour or two, relax for a bit, and then we'll meet up in 5 hours from now shit", in which I used to be the reigning queen of. It feels so strange to be sitting in my room doing absolutely nothing. I want to live in a small community where calling on people is the norm. Or where you just know you will be hanging out with a certain person that night or all the time without really having to make plans. It reminds me of childhood, so effortless. Maybe i'm just lazy but yet active and adventurous all in one. I want to have fun, but I don't want to go though trying to find fun. I just want to have it.
Luckily, in the near future there are some music festivals that are going to remind me of that again.
Ladies, let's drink some beers and break some hearts, full throttle this time.
Luckily, in the near future there are some music festivals that are going to remind me of that again.
Ladies, let's drink some beers and break some hearts, full throttle this time.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Cuba Cuba Coco Puffs
So guys and gals, in case you were wondering, I am indeed going to Cuba in approx. 5 days. Or, 4 and a half if you will. I am going with one of my bff's, and can't wait to drink frozen cocktails and a plethera (sp?) of drinks with grenadine in them. Hopefully we see some feking kitty kats along the way. And hover-boat-craft-in-the-wicked-bright-blue-water-ing.
But in all seriousness, what will St.Catharines do without me for one whole week? You're right, probably host some righteous sweet parties while i'm gone and i'll be all jealous that I missed the good times. But then I think to myself, i'll be maxin' and relaxin' for one whole week with nothing to worry about.. besides getting stupid sunburned like I always do, and getting the swine-in-a-tor.
Can people have fare-well parties for people who are only leaving for a week? I don't see why not. As geoghegan would say, let's get "wet and wild".
Take a Toke.
But in all seriousness, what will St.Catharines do without me for one whole week? You're right, probably host some righteous sweet parties while i'm gone and i'll be all jealous that I missed the good times. But then I think to myself, i'll be maxin' and relaxin' for one whole week with nothing to worry about.. besides getting stupid sunburned like I always do, and getting the swine-in-a-tor.
Can people have fare-well parties for people who are only leaving for a week? I don't see why not. As geoghegan would say, let's get "wet and wild".
Take a Toke.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Get Gone
Don't use me cuz i'm runnin' on empty.
But i'll use you.. just to get by.
Figure yer shit out.
But i'll use you.. just to get by.
Figure yer shit out.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Attn: Mexico
If I wanted swine flu, i'd make out with a pig. But I don't, so when i'm in California, please don't try to get at me. I'd really much rather have copeious amounts of fun in the sun while i'm there, and not have to worry about death. If I get the swine, tell my parents I love 'em, and tell christopher i'm sorry for taking his suitcase and dieing before I could return it to him.
This gets me thinking. Where would my belongings go to if I died?
1) Shannon would get my movie collection because we have the same lame taste in movies. Shannon can also have my twilight books even though she already has some. wait, scratch that, I am going to get burried with them. Oh, and she can have my cell phone too.
2) Bryanne can have my cds because our music taste is very similar. She can also have my ipod cuz she doesn't have one.
3) Jenna can have the beers under my bed.
4) Andrea can have my hair straightener because hers is nooo goood, so she might as well take the hair dryer too.
5) Ana can have my "lil black book" with all the dudes I knows' phone numbers. You know, from hoff to hoff.
6) Jessica can have my lap top so she can go on the internetz on two different computers at once, as well as on her blackberry to get maximum lurkings/chat times in.
7) Katie can have all of my N64 games and controllers. She needs to brush up on skills to beat master gamer matt.
So really, all thats up for grabs now is an old tv, dvd player, and my amazingly comfy bed. I'd give up black beaut, but she's my ma's so I can't.
Everything else is up for grabs, really. Except for my twilight and harry potter books, as well as my stuffed animal polar bears. I am taking those to the grave, son.
Happy Rumaging!
This gets me thinking. Where would my belongings go to if I died?
1) Shannon would get my movie collection because we have the same lame taste in movies. Shannon can also have my twilight books even though she already has some. wait, scratch that, I am going to get burried with them. Oh, and she can have my cell phone too.
2) Bryanne can have my cds because our music taste is very similar. She can also have my ipod cuz she doesn't have one.
3) Jenna can have the beers under my bed.
4) Andrea can have my hair straightener because hers is nooo goood, so she might as well take the hair dryer too.
5) Ana can have my "lil black book" with all the dudes I knows' phone numbers. You know, from hoff to hoff.
6) Jessica can have my lap top so she can go on the internetz on two different computers at once, as well as on her blackberry to get maximum lurkings/chat times in.
7) Katie can have all of my N64 games and controllers. She needs to brush up on skills to beat master gamer matt.
So really, all thats up for grabs now is an old tv, dvd player, and my amazingly comfy bed. I'd give up black beaut, but she's my ma's so I can't.
Everything else is up for grabs, really. Except for my twilight and harry potter books, as well as my stuffed animal polar bears. I am taking those to the grave, son.
Happy Rumaging!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Dear Jordan Menear
Dear Jordan, or as I like to call you 'JM'. I made out with you one time, approximately 5 years ago. Deal with it.
In other news, Bryanne is going to be a carpenter/architect/interior designer. Whoa tripple threat. Watch out homemakeover rennovations show, Bryanne is hitting the industry by storm. I mean, did you see that shelf she put up in my room? Do you see how she looks with a power drill? Babely and handy. What more could you ask for in this recession?
Pump it up.
In other news, Bryanne is going to be a carpenter/architect/interior designer. Whoa tripple threat. Watch out homemakeover rennovations show, Bryanne is hitting the industry by storm. I mean, did you see that shelf she put up in my room? Do you see how she looks with a power drill? Babely and handy. What more could you ask for in this recession?
Pump it up.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I Forgot
I forgot I had a blog.. again.
Actually, life has been so good lately that I haven't really been on the computer much. Which is actually my favourite. I hate being on the computer. Well, I guess I can't say hate, but I prefer not to be. I mean, I like gossip just as much at the next person.. but I don't really need it to survive. My twilight books have enough scandal and drama for me to run on. Which I am in fact in the process of re-reading right now. AND BRYANNE IF YOU COMMENT THIS BLOG TALKING ABOUT BUFFY I WILL EAT YER BRAINZ. Anyways, lifes good guys. I feel as though i've got a good balance going on right now. I party, I go to school, I go to work, I hang out with school friends, and I hang out with best friends, I read books, I sleep enough, I make food at home, I watch movies, and I even squeeze in some phone chatting time at the same time. AND most importantly, I even have enough time to be by myself, which is very, very important to me. How do i manage this?! I have no idea, but i'm pretty content. Must be the weather. Which was fabulous today btw. I even went to the pub between classes and downed a nice lil mgd.
Also, I went to a show the other night and knew none of the bands playing besides srtl. The show was fantastic. I had such a great night, but that could just be the wobbly pops talking. I made some new friends, scratched a few beards, brought in a new team mate, receieved the cuddling of a life time (i'll never let him live it down), and really just enjoyed life. The night reminded me of when everybody was gone and it was just me and Bryanne (because we were super lame and had no other friends). I would have loved for the other ladies to have been there too (like shannon, ana, jenna, and andrea), obviously, but i forgot what it was like to hang out with Bryanne without a ton of other people around. It was good to see and feel that nothing under the surface has really changed since all of our gal pals have come into our lives. Actually, I wouldn't mind hanging out with all of my hoffs one on one every now and again. Keep it fresh, ya dig? Now, enough with the sappy shit that will go straight to the buff muff's head.
Life rules. The weather's sweet. Let's drink some beers. And dance to the beat.
Yeah, I just made that up. No big D.
Pure Teamage.
Actually, life has been so good lately that I haven't really been on the computer much. Which is actually my favourite. I hate being on the computer. Well, I guess I can't say hate, but I prefer not to be. I mean, I like gossip just as much at the next person.. but I don't really need it to survive. My twilight books have enough scandal and drama for me to run on. Which I am in fact in the process of re-reading right now. AND BRYANNE IF YOU COMMENT THIS BLOG TALKING ABOUT BUFFY I WILL EAT YER BRAINZ. Anyways, lifes good guys. I feel as though i've got a good balance going on right now. I party, I go to school, I go to work, I hang out with school friends, and I hang out with best friends, I read books, I sleep enough, I make food at home, I watch movies, and I even squeeze in some phone chatting time at the same time. AND most importantly, I even have enough time to be by myself, which is very, very important to me. How do i manage this?! I have no idea, but i'm pretty content. Must be the weather. Which was fabulous today btw. I even went to the pub between classes and downed a nice lil mgd.
Also, I went to a show the other night and knew none of the bands playing besides srtl. The show was fantastic. I had such a great night, but that could just be the wobbly pops talking. I made some new friends, scratched a few beards, brought in a new team mate, receieved the cuddling of a life time (i'll never let him live it down), and really just enjoyed life. The night reminded me of when everybody was gone and it was just me and Bryanne (because we were super lame and had no other friends). I would have loved for the other ladies to have been there too (like shannon, ana, jenna, and andrea), obviously, but i forgot what it was like to hang out with Bryanne without a ton of other people around. It was good to see and feel that nothing under the surface has really changed since all of our gal pals have come into our lives. Actually, I wouldn't mind hanging out with all of my hoffs one on one every now and again. Keep it fresh, ya dig? Now, enough with the sappy shit that will go straight to the buff muff's head.
Life rules. The weather's sweet. Let's drink some beers. And dance to the beat.
Yeah, I just made that up. No big D.
Pure Teamage.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Life Plan
So i've been thinking a lot lately about where my life is going, and I've decided to create a 'lil road map to put me in a good position, and to refer to incase I got lost in this crazy world.
Here she is;
I am going to take ten paces to the left, and then... scratch that. I am going to work my lil buns off this summer and save a ridiculous amount of money. This summer I was going to go to all the concerts I want to go, and relax a bit more and love life instead. BUT I have decided against that, and am going to go in slave labour mode instead. Now, I need to save copeious amounts of money because after this next coming school year, which will indeed be my last (and I will have a degree!), I plan on quitting my sometimes hell-ish job and throwing myself totally into the unknown. The unknown being leaving here and volunteering elsewhere - anywhere in the world! For four entire months. Now, some may say i'm just caught up in the excitement of Charity, as I went to a really intense charity event last night for invisible children. But, I don't think so. Always in highschool I wanted more out of this little old life I lead. I was always interested in environmental and politcal issues, but somewhere along the way I got lost. Which is why I should have had my road map out. I thought for sure I was going to do something that really truely mattered. That I was going to speak to people about things I deeply care about, and motivate people to do the right things. But where did I end up? I ended up in a fast paced, high stress environment that is so corrupt that its insane. I work for people who just don't give a fuck about you, and think that you are just another number in their establishment. I get yelled at by my boss, my equals, my subordinates, and the customers. All for what in the long run? So someone can have a nice little meal? How about I take all of my knowledge and heart and try to feed people who don't have any food, rather than some large casino gambling asshole who thinks he's top shit? I really need more from this life. Which brings me to part two, or three, or four or whatever it is now.
Let's recap. Working at Souless for one more year, and I have one more year of school left till I have my Bachelor of Applied Business in Hospitality Operations Management, and then I QUIT and throw myself into 4 months of volunteering for whichever cause I feel needs me the most (and that I am most passionate about). THEN after those four months, I have decided to go back to school for a post grad certificate program in Special Events Management. Thus, giving me a degree and a more specialized edge. After I graduate, I will then be ready to hit the work force at full speed. I will have had my time off by travelling the summer before while volunteering, and I'll be at a great age to really get started. Maybe with my special events I'll be able to throw some events that really, really matter in the grand scheme of things. We'll see, I haven't gotten THAT far yet. But I really think I am on the road to success. It's a lot to pack into two years and to expect of myself. But I have really high expectations for myself, and believe that I can perservere.
I will be happy, and I will make a difference.
You'll see.
Here she is;
I am going to take ten paces to the left, and then... scratch that. I am going to work my lil buns off this summer and save a ridiculous amount of money. This summer I was going to go to all the concerts I want to go, and relax a bit more and love life instead. BUT I have decided against that, and am going to go in slave labour mode instead. Now, I need to save copeious amounts of money because after this next coming school year, which will indeed be my last (and I will have a degree!), I plan on quitting my sometimes hell-ish job and throwing myself totally into the unknown. The unknown being leaving here and volunteering elsewhere - anywhere in the world! For four entire months. Now, some may say i'm just caught up in the excitement of Charity, as I went to a really intense charity event last night for invisible children. But, I don't think so. Always in highschool I wanted more out of this little old life I lead. I was always interested in environmental and politcal issues, but somewhere along the way I got lost. Which is why I should have had my road map out. I thought for sure I was going to do something that really truely mattered. That I was going to speak to people about things I deeply care about, and motivate people to do the right things. But where did I end up? I ended up in a fast paced, high stress environment that is so corrupt that its insane. I work for people who just don't give a fuck about you, and think that you are just another number in their establishment. I get yelled at by my boss, my equals, my subordinates, and the customers. All for what in the long run? So someone can have a nice little meal? How about I take all of my knowledge and heart and try to feed people who don't have any food, rather than some large casino gambling asshole who thinks he's top shit? I really need more from this life. Which brings me to part two, or three, or four or whatever it is now.
Let's recap. Working at Souless for one more year, and I have one more year of school left till I have my Bachelor of Applied Business in Hospitality Operations Management, and then I QUIT and throw myself into 4 months of volunteering for whichever cause I feel needs me the most (and that I am most passionate about). THEN after those four months, I have decided to go back to school for a post grad certificate program in Special Events Management. Thus, giving me a degree and a more specialized edge. After I graduate, I will then be ready to hit the work force at full speed. I will have had my time off by travelling the summer before while volunteering, and I'll be at a great age to really get started. Maybe with my special events I'll be able to throw some events that really, really matter in the grand scheme of things. We'll see, I haven't gotten THAT far yet. But I really think I am on the road to success. It's a lot to pack into two years and to expect of myself. But I have really high expectations for myself, and believe that I can perservere.
I will be happy, and I will make a difference.
You'll see.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Worried Sick
Good News = Probably don't have mono. Thank god. Doc says it's more transferrable with continuous exposure, rather than a few sips from a drink.
Bad News = Doc likes to sneak attack therapy sessions with me from time to time. He raises valid points. But they are points I like to ignore, and points that I'd rather no one be able to see at first glance.
And I still feel like the flu. Doc says i'm worrying myself sick, I say, Andrea threw up all weekend, therefore I throw up all week, and then big momma, and then my dad. SO I HAVE THE FLU, TAKE THAT DOCTOR!
Bad News = Doc likes to sneak attack therapy sessions with me from time to time. He raises valid points. But they are points I like to ignore, and points that I'd rather no one be able to see at first glance.
And I still feel like the flu. Doc says i'm worrying myself sick, I say, Andrea threw up all weekend, therefore I throw up all week, and then big momma, and then my dad. SO I HAVE THE FLU, TAKE THAT DOCTOR!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Summer Love
Spring is in the air. I can smell it. Which means that summer is oh so close as well. Last weekend, the ladies and I travelled to Toronto for an amazingly good time. Sure I spent a ton of money that I would have otherwise loved to have kept in my bank account, but I don't regret it. I ate at wonderful veg/vegan restaurants all weekend, which make me smile hugely, and saw some great pals that I missed soooo much. Especially the boys from out West. If I had it my way, 5 wonderful lads from the West would live here and me and my girls would hang with them all the time. It would make life so much better! Also, as much as I love the cold, i wish it was summer all the time, because that is when most of my best memories have occurred. I love car rides in the summer, it's where most of the best reminicing occurs. I also love all the music festivals that go down in the summer, and the fact that I am not in school anymore during the summer, which means I work more, which equals more money, and more shifts I am able to switch to do what I want. Only a month left of school till fun times!
Bring it On.
Bring it On.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I wish my blog was more entertaining.
So I feel like feking shit right now. I don't know if i'm psyching myself out because I just found out Jess has mono [ : ( ], or if i'm actually sick. I shared a beverage with Jess about two weeks ago, so i'm pretty much shitting my pants right now. Not to mention I had to give someone I made out with a while ago the heads up that he might have mono.. and he is NOT IMPRESSED. I mean, I don't blame him, obviously no one is happy about this sort of thing. But it's not like I did it on purpose. And I don't even know if I have it! I'm going to go tomorrow to check er out. My symptoms right now are just flu like symptoms, which aren't generally mono symtoms. So maybe I just have the flu or food poisoning or something. But yeah. This little guessing game is noooo funnnn. Especially on St. Patrick's Day when I should be drinking (as I don't work or have school tomorrow), and when I should be having ridiculous amounts of fun. Ohhhh wellll, I told myself to stop drinking so much anyways.
On to part two. A certain boy has come back into my life. Is it actually possible that i'm willing to give up single land for him? Let's think about this rationally. What do I like so much about single land? Well, you can do whatever you want. You don't have to answer to anyone. You can randomly hook up with whomever you want, slut tits. And you can shamelessly flirt and have ridiculous crushes. This all sounds pretty unreal, BUT, I actually don't do all of these things. I don't actually hook up with a ton of dudes, and I actually refuse to have sex with someone I am not legit interested in (I just found that out recently). So maybe it's time to leave single land and move back to boyfriendville. That's if I turn out to be super into the dude, because I refuse to waste my time and feelings on someone who is not worthy of them again. Who knowssss. I like that fact that me and all my friends are single, but I don't think anyone would object to any of us getting into a relationship. We'llllll seeeeeee. I'm not too worried about it. Just go with zee flow.
Now i'm going to watch chronz of narn 1 and 2 tonight, and try to force my body to feel better. I can't afford to be sick. I don't have enough time for it and all its bullshit.
Gut Crunchhhh.
So I feel like feking shit right now. I don't know if i'm psyching myself out because I just found out Jess has mono [ : ( ], or if i'm actually sick. I shared a beverage with Jess about two weeks ago, so i'm pretty much shitting my pants right now. Not to mention I had to give someone I made out with a while ago the heads up that he might have mono.. and he is NOT IMPRESSED. I mean, I don't blame him, obviously no one is happy about this sort of thing. But it's not like I did it on purpose. And I don't even know if I have it! I'm going to go tomorrow to check er out. My symptoms right now are just flu like symptoms, which aren't generally mono symtoms. So maybe I just have the flu or food poisoning or something. But yeah. This little guessing game is noooo funnnn. Especially on St. Patrick's Day when I should be drinking (as I don't work or have school tomorrow), and when I should be having ridiculous amounts of fun. Ohhhh wellll, I told myself to stop drinking so much anyways.
On to part two. A certain boy has come back into my life. Is it actually possible that i'm willing to give up single land for him? Let's think about this rationally. What do I like so much about single land? Well, you can do whatever you want. You don't have to answer to anyone. You can randomly hook up with whomever you want, slut tits. And you can shamelessly flirt and have ridiculous crushes. This all sounds pretty unreal, BUT, I actually don't do all of these things. I don't actually hook up with a ton of dudes, and I actually refuse to have sex with someone I am not legit interested in (I just found that out recently). So maybe it's time to leave single land and move back to boyfriendville. That's if I turn out to be super into the dude, because I refuse to waste my time and feelings on someone who is not worthy of them again. Who knowssss. I like that fact that me and all my friends are single, but I don't think anyone would object to any of us getting into a relationship. We'llllll seeeeeee. I'm not too worried about it. Just go with zee flow.
Now i'm going to watch chronz of narn 1 and 2 tonight, and try to force my body to feel better. I can't afford to be sick. I don't have enough time for it and all its bullshit.
Gut Crunchhhh.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Note To Self
Dear Megan,
Stop drinking so much.
Stop investing so much energy into the opposite sex.
Stop pretending to be a slut because you're actually not.
Stop stressin'.
Stop staying up so late.
And fucking get back into loving life, because it's far more fun for me when you do.
Man Up.
Stop drinking so much.
Stop investing so much energy into the opposite sex.
Stop pretending to be a slut because you're actually not.
Stop stressin'.
Stop staying up so late.
And fucking get back into loving life, because it's far more fun for me when you do.
Man Up.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
To quote Olivia Newten John..
"Let's get physical, physical. Let's get physical, physical."
Better do some lunges. There's some new hot ladies in town, and they are going to eat your heart out. They call themselves The Hoffs, and they are complete babes. They know how to flirt, and they aren't afraid to drop it dowwwwwwn. Fathers, lock up your sons, because the girls are back in town.
To hop on the Hoff Train, just prepare a 100 word essay on why you are such a dirt bag, and what you can bring to the plate.
Slut Buckets.
"Let's get physical, physical. Let's get physical, physical."
Better do some lunges. There's some new hot ladies in town, and they are going to eat your heart out. They call themselves The Hoffs, and they are complete babes. They know how to flirt, and they aren't afraid to drop it dowwwwwwn. Fathers, lock up your sons, because the girls are back in town.
To hop on the Hoff Train, just prepare a 100 word essay on why you are such a dirt bag, and what you can bring to the plate.
Slut Buckets.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Twilight Zone
Dear Edward Cullen,
It's been a while since I thought of you last..
I hate the fact that I am still slightly in love with you - along side (almost) every other girl on the face of the earth, and that I have only thought of you again because of youtube. The women that claim they are not in love with you are just kidding themselves. I'm not in love with the man that plays you in the movie, Robert Patterson or whatever, i'm just in love with the idea of you. I'm not in love with the actor's pretty face, i'm hopelessly and utterly in love with your intensity. It seems like ages since I last felt any real intensity, and since you came into my life, I crave to have it back. Not back with whomever i felt it with before, but with someone new.. someone I have never met before. I want to look at him and just know that he is my Edward Cullen. This probably sounds immensely shallow, but I need the intensity of his personality to match extremely intense looks. I want to stare at him for hours and have my heart skip beats because of the intensity of his gaze and wonder to myself what he must be thinking. And I want to be cared for in the way that Edward cares for Bella - again, what every other girl wants. But I don't need to be called little names like "love", because that just makes me cringe. I don't need any protecting, but I want to feel like i'm being protected anyways.
So where is my Edward Cullen? I know of one guy who would fit the roll perfectly. He is soooo enchanting. He's got the looks, personality, and intensity of it all, but i'm in high doubts that THAT would ever work. And after thinking about it quite a bit, i'm not sure that i want it to work with him.
So usually, after fantisizing about E.C, I come back down to earth and my mind becomes fuzzy again. I leave fantasy world and no longer know what I want and need anymore. One part of me wants an Edward Cullen so ridiculously bad that it makes me want to scream, but the other part wants absolutely no man in my life.. or atleast no boyfriend. I am having an absolutely fabulous time being single. I'm able to spend time with my girlfriends, shamelessly flirt, and answer to no one but myself. I am able to think for myself, act however I want, and just go with the flow. With boyfriends, things become more complicated, and i'm not so sure my lifestyle right now fits having a boyfriend. But it's so hard not to think about how bad I want this intensity in my life. I don't want anyone to think I just want a boyfriend or love, I want intensity. I wonder how many times i've said that word in this blog. Give me intensity and i'm yours for life. Don't necessarily be Edward Cullen, or make me feel like Bella Swan, just make me feel the intensity and compassion for eachother that they feel.
I hate having this sort of split personality, where part of me wants to be graduated from school with a solid career, a great man, and on the road to a planned and organized life, while the other parts of me wants to be spontaneous. It wants to not be in school, and to party all the time, go to band shows and dance parties, not have a boyfriend, be a little slutty, and have ridiculous amounts of fun ALL THE TIME. It gets so difficult to balance the two because, for me, they won't blend. There are times where I am solidly workworkwork, and other times where its allll about the partypartyparty.
What do I do? What do I want?
Let's Get Intense.
It's been a while since I thought of you last..
I hate the fact that I am still slightly in love with you - along side (almost) every other girl on the face of the earth, and that I have only thought of you again because of youtube. The women that claim they are not in love with you are just kidding themselves. I'm not in love with the man that plays you in the movie, Robert Patterson or whatever, i'm just in love with the idea of you. I'm not in love with the actor's pretty face, i'm hopelessly and utterly in love with your intensity. It seems like ages since I last felt any real intensity, and since you came into my life, I crave to have it back. Not back with whomever i felt it with before, but with someone new.. someone I have never met before. I want to look at him and just know that he is my Edward Cullen. This probably sounds immensely shallow, but I need the intensity of his personality to match extremely intense looks. I want to stare at him for hours and have my heart skip beats because of the intensity of his gaze and wonder to myself what he must be thinking. And I want to be cared for in the way that Edward cares for Bella - again, what every other girl wants. But I don't need to be called little names like "love", because that just makes me cringe. I don't need any protecting, but I want to feel like i'm being protected anyways.
So where is my Edward Cullen? I know of one guy who would fit the roll perfectly. He is soooo enchanting. He's got the looks, personality, and intensity of it all, but i'm in high doubts that THAT would ever work. And after thinking about it quite a bit, i'm not sure that i want it to work with him.
So usually, after fantisizing about E.C, I come back down to earth and my mind becomes fuzzy again. I leave fantasy world and no longer know what I want and need anymore. One part of me wants an Edward Cullen so ridiculously bad that it makes me want to scream, but the other part wants absolutely no man in my life.. or atleast no boyfriend. I am having an absolutely fabulous time being single. I'm able to spend time with my girlfriends, shamelessly flirt, and answer to no one but myself. I am able to think for myself, act however I want, and just go with the flow. With boyfriends, things become more complicated, and i'm not so sure my lifestyle right now fits having a boyfriend. But it's so hard not to think about how bad I want this intensity in my life. I don't want anyone to think I just want a boyfriend or love, I want intensity. I wonder how many times i've said that word in this blog. Give me intensity and i'm yours for life. Don't necessarily be Edward Cullen, or make me feel like Bella Swan, just make me feel the intensity and compassion for eachother that they feel.
I hate having this sort of split personality, where part of me wants to be graduated from school with a solid career, a great man, and on the road to a planned and organized life, while the other parts of me wants to be spontaneous. It wants to not be in school, and to party all the time, go to band shows and dance parties, not have a boyfriend, be a little slutty, and have ridiculous amounts of fun ALL THE TIME. It gets so difficult to balance the two because, for me, they won't blend. There are times where I am solidly workworkwork, and other times where its allll about the partypartyparty.
What do I do? What do I want?
Let's Get Intense.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Be A Man
Attn: Gentlmen.
I would greatly appreciate it if you grew a pair and starting being men, because the way I see it, you are all being huge bitch tits right now. I don't need a guy to lie straight to my face and tell me he wants to see me when he really doesn't. I need a guy to be straight up and tell me he doesn't want to, if in fact, he doesn't want to. Sure, I could be a little bummed, maybe even a little hurt. But chances are, i'll have thought about it for like 30 seconds until the next manly man comes along. I'm not made out of glass, and you are not so important to me that I will lose all of my confidence and lock myself in my room for weeks. If you are straight up from the beginning, it will make this whole situation easier. The longer you put it off and the more you sugar coat it, the more difficult it becomes to break it off - as feelings tend to grow stronger. Therefore, stop worrying about being a douchey douche and hurting my feelings, and just do it already. I'd rather that, than sit around here waiting for you and continuing to be hopeful. Don't waste my effing time and BE CONSISTENT.
Get Fucked.
I would greatly appreciate it if you grew a pair and starting being men, because the way I see it, you are all being huge bitch tits right now. I don't need a guy to lie straight to my face and tell me he wants to see me when he really doesn't. I need a guy to be straight up and tell me he doesn't want to, if in fact, he doesn't want to. Sure, I could be a little bummed, maybe even a little hurt. But chances are, i'll have thought about it for like 30 seconds until the next manly man comes along. I'm not made out of glass, and you are not so important to me that I will lose all of my confidence and lock myself in my room for weeks. If you are straight up from the beginning, it will make this whole situation easier. The longer you put it off and the more you sugar coat it, the more difficult it becomes to break it off - as feelings tend to grow stronger. Therefore, stop worrying about being a douchey douche and hurting my feelings, and just do it already. I'd rather that, than sit around here waiting for you and continuing to be hopeful. Don't waste my effing time and BE CONSISTENT.
Get Fucked.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Buns of Steele
So today I went on a little shopping excursion to purchase some things to get my bod in rock-solid-shape. Let me give you a little overview on what I purchased;
1. FIVE entire work-out dvds
a) Rock your Body with Jamie King - Slim, shape and strengthen your body with the ultimate hip-hop inspired workout.
b) Legs by Bikini Ready Fitness
c) The Look - Target toning for everyone, Abs, Arms, Buns, and Thighs
d) Carmen Electra Aerobic Striptease: Vegas Strip
e) Carmen Electra Aerobics - Strip your way to fitness!
2. I bought a little stretchy pants and tank top ensemble to look all cutesy while I work out because apparently, i'm some sort of girl?
Yeah. So I love how i'm so slutty that I even have to being doing slutty things while working out, and I have to wear a little slutty tank top instead of gross sweats as well. But i'm also so gangsta that I have to do my booty drop with ma boi Jamie King.
Let's do this.
1. FIVE entire work-out dvds
a) Rock your Body with Jamie King - Slim, shape and strengthen your body with the ultimate hip-hop inspired workout.
b) Legs by Bikini Ready Fitness
c) The Look - Target toning for everyone, Abs, Arms, Buns, and Thighs
d) Carmen Electra Aerobic Striptease: Vegas Strip
e) Carmen Electra Aerobics - Strip your way to fitness!
2. I bought a little stretchy pants and tank top ensemble to look all cutesy while I work out because apparently, i'm some sort of girl?
Yeah. So I love how i'm so slutty that I even have to being doing slutty things while working out, and I have to wear a little slutty tank top instead of gross sweats as well. But i'm also so gangsta that I have to do my booty drop with ma boi Jamie King.
Let's do this.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Boys Drool
Today I feel like pulling an A.D and reflect on all the males I have liked, dated, and/or hooked up with. Where to begin?
Actually, i'm going to skip most of elementary school because those are memories i'd rather not dust off. So let's begin in grade 7/8.
1. I had a crush on this guy named Darren Conway, and he was one of the "cool" boys in school. I totalllly thought we were going to D8 because we talked on the phone, and he didn't know i was "uncool" yet because I had just transferred to Woodland from Gracefield. But he never told anyone we talked on the phone, and we hardly ever talked at school or anything, so he was probably just embarrassed by my slicked back hair, overalls, and silver liquid eyeliner.
2. In grade 8 I had my first reaaaaaaaal boyfriend! His named was Kevin O'Conner, and he was mass shorter than me. I don't even remember gushing over him, but suddenly he was my b-eff, and we dated for like 2 months, which was the longest relationship I had before grade 11. I ended up getting a crush on this other guy named Cain something and we were supposed to be daters but everyone thought I was a playah so he backed out. OH and p.s I was so shy I could hardly hug Kevin, and our first kiss was at a Y dance and we were forced into it, I freaked out and ran away. So embarrassing. Fuck!
3. There is like 1 or 2 in between the next one, but unfortunetly I can't remember names. Only whores can't remember names. Fuck, again!
3. Next I met this cute boy in Port Dalhousie. Him and his two other friends followed me and my friend around and we were soOooOo flattered. His name was Kevin Fournier and he was super sweet. He gave me the butterflies and he was my first real make-out sess. We had cute phone conversations, but to my dismay, our relationship only lasted 2 weeks. So bummed. (This was grade 9)
4. The next bfbfbf I had was by the name of Aaron Mitchel in grade 10. He was this punk boy with blue hair and he made me smile like this -> : D. I remember he asked me why I didn't have a boyfriend, I said I didn't know, and he asked if he could be my boyfriend and I said yes. HAHAHA. I love how my relationships so far are so grade 4, but I was like 13 or 14. Oh well, we dated for 2 months and were both far too shy to kiss. But we held hands all cute like and watched zombie movies and hung out at the hideaway. Dreamboat. Anyways, he broke up with me and I was so sad that I called my cousin from London and cried to her. Now he has a kid and does drugs. I WIN!
5. Wow. Upon reflecting, it looks like I only ever had boyfriends and not really any crushes or flings. Anyways, this next one is a biggy. I dated my high-school-sweet-heart Mr. Rob Paulin. He was this little skater punk guy with blue hair (sound familiar?), and he pretty much got with all my friends before he got with me. I remember hating all of my friends over this boy, when I should have been accepting the fact that he just wasn't that into me. But low and behold, after like 8 months of liking the kid, he finally wants to be with me. We end up dating for close to a year, and being the lil shy girl I was, I had all of my firsts with him (but of course I held out for like 4 or 5 months first). I gave that boy everything I had to offer and he broke me lil bitty heart, not once, but twice. It took me close to three years to get over that, and now we're friends.
6. Oh. Here is where I have all my flings. What a slut tit. First I made out with a guy JM, then another two guys that I can't remember their names. I invited some guy to semi formal and totally ditched him there because I became heartless. I made out with a few others. This one guy asks me to prom and apparently likes me and I eat his heart for dinner. Another guy from highschool, who was super popular, admits he liked me all of highschool, so i'm flattered and I sit on his face (it was probably just a ploy). And then I go to College and straighten up.
7. My next BF was Mike Bieuz. We lasted like two weeks. He cheated on me, just like every other girl. Obviously.
8. My next boyfraaan was cutie Stefano! He was so super cute and I liked him a lot. We actually dated for like 4 months, but I was such a coug that I needed more from him and he was so young. Nuff said. He was a good boyfriend though.
9. Next I liked this guy named Eric Snyder and he wouldn't friggen date me! I was so mad. But at AD's b-day I got hammered and made out with him in the back seat of my car for hours. S-U-C-C-E-S-S.
10. Then I met Ryan Sonier. We fought a lot. But I liked him so much. And again ,someone who wouldn't be my boyfriend, so I bailed and dated someone else.
11. Which leads me to Adam Opalka. I don't even know what to say about him. He was nice at the beginning and then a huge dick randomly throughout. But it's hard to be mad at that guy because he's so ridiculous! We dated for like 4 months, and are sort of friends now, sort of not.
12. Alan G. Let's just skip over this part. Unless you want to dirty talk.
13. Back to Ryan Sonier. He was mad that I dated someone else and as soon as I was single, he snagged me right off the market. I was utterly and hopelessly in love with that boy. He treated my like absolute garb, but I loved im when we were together. We were so much of the same, and so silly and stupid and it just worked. But apparently he worked with other girls too. I dated him for just over a year, and I really thought I was going to marry him. Get fucked.
14. Jerjerjer. The first guy I liked after Ryan. He was a really nice guy, but he had a past with someone else and I don't blame him for going back to her because they are in lub. Now the three of us are all friends. Perhaps we'll have a three-some. HAHA JK.
15. Ken Dubois. Such a nice guy. I was terrible to him. I'm a dick.
16. Primavera. Can't even talk about him. VOMIT.
17. Dan Marranca. This boi's got some sweeeeet hair! And he's cute and shy and lives allllllll the way in saskachewan. Cock Block.
18.Chuck. What do I even say about this crazy boy? He's different than anyone I have ever met in my life. I can't tell if he's actually into me or not. He is straight up sarcastic and rude, but when it comes down to it, he can be really sweet. Unless it's all just a ploy. I really don't understand him. I don't even know how I feel about him. But i'm intrigued to say the least.
I hope boys don't read blogs. I didn't realize I had so many romantic encounters.. I got so lazy at the end.
Fuck Love.
Actually, i'm going to skip most of elementary school because those are memories i'd rather not dust off. So let's begin in grade 7/8.
1. I had a crush on this guy named Darren Conway, and he was one of the "cool" boys in school. I totalllly thought we were going to D8 because we talked on the phone, and he didn't know i was "uncool" yet because I had just transferred to Woodland from Gracefield. But he never told anyone we talked on the phone, and we hardly ever talked at school or anything, so he was probably just embarrassed by my slicked back hair, overalls, and silver liquid eyeliner.
2. In grade 8 I had my first reaaaaaaaal boyfriend! His named was Kevin O'Conner, and he was mass shorter than me. I don't even remember gushing over him, but suddenly he was my b-eff, and we dated for like 2 months, which was the longest relationship I had before grade 11. I ended up getting a crush on this other guy named Cain something and we were supposed to be daters but everyone thought I was a playah so he backed out. OH and p.s I was so shy I could hardly hug Kevin, and our first kiss was at a Y dance and we were forced into it, I freaked out and ran away. So embarrassing. Fuck!
3. There is like 1 or 2 in between the next one, but unfortunetly I can't remember names. Only whores can't remember names. Fuck, again!
3. Next I met this cute boy in Port Dalhousie. Him and his two other friends followed me and my friend around and we were soOooOo flattered. His name was Kevin Fournier and he was super sweet. He gave me the butterflies and he was my first real make-out sess. We had cute phone conversations, but to my dismay, our relationship only lasted 2 weeks. So bummed. (This was grade 9)
4. The next bfbfbf I had was by the name of Aaron Mitchel in grade 10. He was this punk boy with blue hair and he made me smile like this -> : D. I remember he asked me why I didn't have a boyfriend, I said I didn't know, and he asked if he could be my boyfriend and I said yes. HAHAHA. I love how my relationships so far are so grade 4, but I was like 13 or 14. Oh well, we dated for 2 months and were both far too shy to kiss. But we held hands all cute like and watched zombie movies and hung out at the hideaway. Dreamboat. Anyways, he broke up with me and I was so sad that I called my cousin from London and cried to her. Now he has a kid and does drugs. I WIN!
5. Wow. Upon reflecting, it looks like I only ever had boyfriends and not really any crushes or flings. Anyways, this next one is a biggy. I dated my high-school-sweet-heart Mr. Rob Paulin. He was this little skater punk guy with blue hair (sound familiar?), and he pretty much got with all my friends before he got with me. I remember hating all of my friends over this boy, when I should have been accepting the fact that he just wasn't that into me. But low and behold, after like 8 months of liking the kid, he finally wants to be with me. We end up dating for close to a year, and being the lil shy girl I was, I had all of my firsts with him (but of course I held out for like 4 or 5 months first). I gave that boy everything I had to offer and he broke me lil bitty heart, not once, but twice. It took me close to three years to get over that, and now we're friends.
6. Oh. Here is where I have all my flings. What a slut tit. First I made out with a guy JM, then another two guys that I can't remember their names. I invited some guy to semi formal and totally ditched him there because I became heartless. I made out with a few others. This one guy asks me to prom and apparently likes me and I eat his heart for dinner. Another guy from highschool, who was super popular, admits he liked me all of highschool, so i'm flattered and I sit on his face (it was probably just a ploy). And then I go to College and straighten up.
7. My next BF was Mike Bieuz. We lasted like two weeks. He cheated on me, just like every other girl. Obviously.
8. My next boyfraaan was cutie Stefano! He was so super cute and I liked him a lot. We actually dated for like 4 months, but I was such a coug that I needed more from him and he was so young. Nuff said. He was a good boyfriend though.
9. Next I liked this guy named Eric Snyder and he wouldn't friggen date me! I was so mad. But at AD's b-day I got hammered and made out with him in the back seat of my car for hours. S-U-C-C-E-S-S.
10. Then I met Ryan Sonier. We fought a lot. But I liked him so much. And again ,someone who wouldn't be my boyfriend, so I bailed and dated someone else.
11. Which leads me to Adam Opalka. I don't even know what to say about him. He was nice at the beginning and then a huge dick randomly throughout. But it's hard to be mad at that guy because he's so ridiculous! We dated for like 4 months, and are sort of friends now, sort of not.
12. Alan G. Let's just skip over this part. Unless you want to dirty talk.
13. Back to Ryan Sonier. He was mad that I dated someone else and as soon as I was single, he snagged me right off the market. I was utterly and hopelessly in love with that boy. He treated my like absolute garb, but I loved im when we were together. We were so much of the same, and so silly and stupid and it just worked. But apparently he worked with other girls too. I dated him for just over a year, and I really thought I was going to marry him. Get fucked.
14. Jerjerjer. The first guy I liked after Ryan. He was a really nice guy, but he had a past with someone else and I don't blame him for going back to her because they are in lub. Now the three of us are all friends. Perhaps we'll have a three-some. HAHA JK.
15. Ken Dubois. Such a nice guy. I was terrible to him. I'm a dick.
16. Primavera. Can't even talk about him. VOMIT.
17. Dan Marranca. This boi's got some sweeeeet hair! And he's cute and shy and lives allllllll the way in saskachewan. Cock Block.
I hope boys don't read blogs. I didn't realize I had so many romantic encounters.. I got so lazy at the end.
Fuck Love.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Banana Phone
Telephone calls are my new favourite thing. Fuck texts. Call me baby, any day, any time. On a side note. I love how girls get so excited these days when boys call them. It's like more advanced technology has consumed us so much that phone calls are un-heard of. So when you get that phone call from that certain boy, you can't help but gush about it to your friends, when all it was was a stupid phone call that lasted like 5 minutes. Whatever. I'll take a 5 minute phone call every few days from a boy I just met over dating a guy for a year who called you all of never any day.
P.s Has anyone noticed how much life rules lately? Because I have. I have 6 amazing girlfriends who pretty much rule at life, and some great guy friends as well that make me laugh on a daily basis.
Love life.
P.s Has anyone noticed how much life rules lately? Because I have. I have 6 amazing girlfriends who pretty much rule at life, and some great guy friends as well that make me laugh on a daily basis.
Love life.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I Actually Really Hate This.. (Or Maybe Not)
So I basically hate blogs. Why am I doing this then? Well, I have no idea. Here are my possible reasons to be the new (proud?) owner of a blog:
1. Is it to fit in? I'm not so sure, because I really don't (think) I care if anyone reads this. I might prefer it that no one did, beca
use I really have no idea how much I will spill my guts out here in the wild.
2. But maybe I just want somewhere to write down my thoughts, ideas, and feelings. You know, to sort them out and understand them better. But then why don't I just keep a journal? Well, that would be so 1994 'Dear Diary' of me. Plus it just hurts the hand. And.. my mom could find it.
3. Or maybe I DO want people to read my blog and understand my life without me having to sit down and find the words to explain it all. Maybe I want someone to relate to without having to speak and get all sentimental. But then, who says this blog has to be deep and sentimental? Partypartyparty.
Whatever the reason is, I have a blog. I don't know if I feel good about the idea of it yet or not. But I did rather enjoy typing this out, even though it shares hardly anything about me (yet).
Get into it.
1. Is it to fit in? I'm not so sure, because I really don't (think) I care if anyone reads this. I might prefer it that no one did, beca

2. But maybe I just want somewhere to write down my thoughts, ideas, and feelings. You know, to sort them out and understand them better. But then why don't I just keep a journal? Well, that would be so 1994 'Dear Diary' of me. Plus it just hurts the hand. And.. my mom could find it.
3. Or maybe I DO want people to read my blog and understand my life without me having to sit down and find the words to explain it all. Maybe I want someone to relate to without having to speak and get all sentimental. But then, who says this blog has to be deep and sentimental? Partypartyparty.
Whatever the reason is, I have a blog. I don't know if I feel good about the idea of it yet or not. But I did rather enjoy typing this out, even though it shares hardly anything about me (yet).
Get into it.
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